cyber nephrology

NEPHROL is an on-line discussion group for all nephrology professionals and those in allied areas of medicine. This list will provide a forum to exchange information, share ideas and discuss concerns, for those nephrologists and related professionals interested in the discussion of topics in the field of nephrology/renal pathology, and in the area of transplantation science. This discussion group has helped to establish common ground (and therefore intellectual and methodological input) amongst related professionals around the world. All information relevant to nephrology/renal pathology including technical discussions, regulatory information, meeting announcements, managerial issues, etc. are appropriate for this list.


La liste est partiellement modérée : sauf dérogation, seuls les médecins (abonnés) peuvent adresser leurs messages directement à l'adresse :

Modérateurs et administrateurs de la liste

Kim Solez

Propriétaire de la liste

Kim Solez, Janice Macdonald, Michele Hales


sur site : CYBERNEPHROLOGY est le site de présentation de NEPHROL.

Il est hébergé par la NKF -
