Symposium en mémoire Pr JP Guignard






8:30      Welcome and Introduction                                                25 minutes

Bernard Rossier (UNIL)                                                                      Welcome

Manual Pascual Dean FBM/UNIL                                                  Welcome from the Dean

Jean-Daniel Tissot (FBM/UNIL)                                                      Who was Jean-Pierre Guignard?


8:55                      State of the Art Lecture (1)

Chair: François Verrey (UZH) and Laurent Schild (UNIL)

Andrew Hall (UZH) (confirmed)                                                    30 + 5 minutes

“Functional imaging of the kidney and drug toxicity”



Session 1       “Kidney development and rare diseases (1)”

Chair: Olivier Bonny (UNIFRI)


Friedhelm Hildebrandt (Boston)(confirmed)                            25 + 5

Lessons from Discovery of Monogenic Causes of Disease in CAKUT patients


Patrick Niaudet (Hôpital Necker,Paris)(confirmed)                 25 + 5

Cystinosis: from childhood to adulthood

10:30 Coffee break                                                                             30 minutes



Session 2       “Rare diseases (2)”

Chair: Bruno Vogt (UNIBE)


Mario Bianchetti (USI) (confirmed)                                              25 + 5

Body fluids and salt metabolism (tentative)


Pierre Cochat  (Université de Lyon) (confirmed)                      25 + 5

Primary hyperoxaluria


12:00 Lunch                                                                                          90 minutes







Session 3       “Pediatric nephrology”    

Chair: Philippe Jaeger (UCL)


Christoph Licht (University of Toronto) (confirmed)               25 + 5

Complement in health and disease – a question of moderation


Martin Konrad (University of Münster) (confirmed)              25 + 5

Clinical and molecular aspects of inherited hypomagnesemia



14 :30 Coffee break                                                                            30 minutes


15:00 – 15 :35

 State of the Art Lecture (2)

Chair: Sophie de Seigneux (UNIGE) et Bernard Rossier (UNIL)

Robert Chevalier (Charlotesville)(confirmed)            


The Evolutionary Basis of Progressive Kidney Disease                      30 + 5 minutes


Minibreak 15 :35-15 :40


Session 4

15 :40 – 17 :10


Chair: Jean-François Tolsa et Jean-Marie Mathieu (CHUV)


Jean-Pierre Guignard, a pioneer in pediatric nephrology


Hassib Chehade  (Lausanne) (confirmed)                                                20 + 5

50 years of renal transplantation in Lausanne: a brief history and update of current achievments


Jean-Bernard Gouyon (Université de la Réunion)(confirmed)          20 + 5

In memoriam : Jean-Pierre Guignard, a mentor and friend (tentative)


Vera de Matos Maillard (Philadelphia, USA) (confirmed)                    20 + 5

 From kidney to the gut (tentative)


17 :10 – 17 :15    Minibreak

17:15 – 18: 45


Silvia Iacobelli (CHU Réunion) (confirmed)                                             20 + 5

 "Early postnatal nutrition and renal consequences in very-low-birth weight infants"


Anita Truttmann (Lausanne)  (confirmed)                                                 8 + 2

"Y a-t-il un pilote dans l'avion ?"


Catherine Yzydorczyk (Lausanne) (confirmed)                                         8 + 2

"Developmental programming of cardiovascular and renal disorders in a rat model of intrauterine growth restriction: implication of endothelial progenitor cell dysfunction?"


Jean-Pierre Guignard : citizen of the world


Bernard Borel (MASM et Centrale sanitaire) (confirmed)                 8 + 2

Merci ! Camarade Guignard !


Georg Simbruner (IPOKRATES) (confirmed)                                            8 + 2

" Knowledge and Belief - do they contradict or complement each other "


Stéphanie Sénéchal (AIRG-Suisse) (confirmed)                                      8 + 2

AIRG : A non profit association for patients and family suffering from genetic diseases


Remise du Prix Jean-Pierre Guignard                                                   15


18:45   Special musical event                                                                        5 -10


18:55 to 19:00  Concluding remarks                                                           B.Rossier


19:00                            End of the Symposium